Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'ASSISTANT TRANSPORT OFFICER KSRTC' And exam conducted in the year 2016. And Question paper code was '004/2016'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
The stroke and hare of a four stroke Sl engine are 250 mm ஊம் 200 mm respectively.
The clearance volume is 0.001 m?, If the specific heat ratio is 1.4, the air-standard cyele
efficiency of the engine is :
(५) 41.40% (B) 46.10%
(മ) 58.20% ൬) 88.80%
A Carnot cycle is having an efficiency of 0.78. If the temperature of the high temperature
reservoir is 1241 K, what is the temperature of low temperature reservoir?
(^) 00 ಯ) 008
(© 273°C D) 100K
A solid cireular shaft transmits a torque of 80 Nm. If the allowable shear stress of the
material is 150 MPa, assuming a factor വ safety of 2, the minimum allowable design
diameter in mm 18 :
(A) 12mm (B) 8mm
(C) 82mm (D) 18mm
A clutch has outer and inner diameters 10 നേ ലാ 4 cm respectively. Assuming a uniform
pressure of 2 x 108 Pa and coefficient of friction of liner material is 0.4, the torque carrying
capacity of the clutch is :
(A) 118Nm (ए) 196 Nm
(C) 562 Nm (D) 390 Nm
The most appropriate description of a Helical gear is :
(A) Axes parallel and teeth are inclined to the axis
(ए) Axes non parallel and non-intersecting
(८) Axes are perpendicular and used for large speed reduction
(D) None of the above
For Rack and Pinion :
(A) Axes non parallel and non-intersecting
(B) Axes parallel and ane of the gears has infinite radius
(0) Any of the above i
൬) None of the above
Twenty degree full depth involute profiled 21 tooth pinion and 39 tooth gear are in mesh.
If the module is 5 mm, the centre distance between the gear pair will be :
(A) 140 mm (B) 250 mm
(¢) 280 mm ८ (D) 150 mm
7 004/2016
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