Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'ASSISTANT TRANSPORT OFFICER KSRTC' And exam conducted in the year 2016. And Question paper code was '004/2016'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
A fin efficiency is defined as :
(^) Actual heat transfer rate from the fin/[deal heat transfer rate from the fin
(B) Ideal heat transfer rate from the fin/Actual heat transfer rate from the fin
(ര) Heat transfer rate from the fin/Heat transfer without fin
(D) भार्म the above
Thermal conductivity of pure Copper at room temperature is approximately :
(ക) 38WmK . ('B)SW.'m.K
(C).'!SEWJ‘mAK CD)3286WIm.K
Critical radius of insulation for cylindrical body is (if % is thermal conduectivity of insulation
வறம் h is convection heat transfer coefficient) :
കു ൧/4 (0) ۸
(0 2kih छ) 2८४
The Log Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD) of a double pipe heat exchanger will be
usually :
(ക) Greater for parallel flow heat exchanger than for counter flow heat exchanger
(B) Greater for counter flow heat exchanger than for parallel flow heat exchanger
(€! Same for both parallel and counter flow heat exchangers
(2) All of the above
The ¢rank radius of a छ 1.C. engine is 50 mm and the diameter of the cylinder is
70 mm. The swept volume of the cylinder in em? is :
(4) 38 ര 38
(೧) 1 യ 3603
In an air-standard Otto-cycle, the compression ratio is 10. The condition at the beginning of
the compression process is 100 kPa and 300K. Heat added at constant volume is 1500 kJ/kg,
while 700 kd/kg of heat is rejected during the other constant volume process in the eycle.
Specific gas constant for air = 0.287 kd/kgK. The mean effective pressure (in kPa) of the
cycle is : )
(५) 1032 . ല് 318
(C) 1515 (D) 403
Which one of the following is a necessary assumption for the air-standard 010 cycle?
(ക) 3] processes are adiabatic
(B) Intake and exhaust processes are constant pressure heat rejection processes
(C) The combustion process is isothermal heat addition process
(D) The working fluid is an ideal gas with constant specific heats
004/2016 6 A