Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'MARKETING ORGANISER PART I AND PART II KCMMF LTD' And exam conducted in the year 2015. And Question paper code was '205/2015'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
35. The National Dairy Development Board was set up on .
(.-\}26"‘5epmmber‘l9h] {ll)Zl“Nwemberl%l
‘cl’_nflwuvemben%s [D)26“‘Seplembef]%5
(A)Dr.Wilh‘amK. (n)Dr.v.Kurien
(C)Dr‘M.S..Swaminathan (D)Ncneoffl-\.esa
27.Theh-mdquartursaneralaSiateCu—oman‘chubbex Marketing Federation :
(A) Kottayam (8) Kollam {C) Trissur (D) Ernakulam
28. NAFED is engaged in the export of
(५) Wheat (8) ष्ट (9) भाल (D) Vegelables
29. Interstate trade is carried on by _ .
(५) NAFED (B) ೫೧೮೫ (€) खा (D) NABARD
30. The Primary Agricultural Co-operative Credit Societies give __ to members.
(A) Long term loans (B) Medium term loans
© Short term loans (D) Call and short notice loans
उव. Which Commission recommended that all co-operative societies should make provisions for
the education of their members and employees ?
(வி International Co-operative Alliance
(0) Mehta Commiltee
(ल) Khusru Committee
(D) Narasimham Committee
32. National Centre for Co-operative Education is situated at :
(ಸ) Bihar (8) New Delhi (८) Mumbai (D) Gujarat
33. Generally the Kerala State Agricultural and Rural Development Bank issue :
{^} Preference shares (8) Equity shares
{C) Debentures (D) Bonds
34. The most important source from which the Kerala State Co-operative Bank gets finance :
(ಗಿ) 581 ए) र
(2) State Government (D) Central Government
205/2015 6 A