Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'PERSONNEL MANAGER KERALA STATE COIR CORPORATION LIMITED' And exam conducted in the year 2016. And Question paper code was '086/2016'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
22,2 (के ↘−−
The industrial employment (standing orders) Act 1946 applies to every Industrial
eatablishment :
(ಡಿ) Employing 200 or more workmen ری Employing 50 or more workmen
(C) Employing 100 or more workmen (D) Employing 150 or more workmen
Subsistence allowance is paid to a suspended workman by the employer for the first 90 days
of suspension at the rate of :
(ಗ) 75% of the wages preceeding the date of க் suspension
(18) 25% of the wages preceeding the date of such suspension .
(() 50% of the wages preceeding the date of such suspension
(D) At the discretion of the employer
Dependent under workmen compensation Act 1923 excludes :
(A) Widowed daughter
(B) Child in the mother's womb at the time of the workman's death
(C) Widowed sister
(D) None of the above
The following are not wages under the Workmen Compensation Act :
(A) Travelling allowance
(B) Leave carried forward to next year
(0 Contribution paid by employer to any pension
(D) All the above
Section 3 of the minimum wages Act 1948 states :
(ക Minimum rate of wages
(18) Procedure for fixing minimum wages
(C) Fixation of minimum rates of wages
(D) All the above deal with fixation of minimum rate of wages
The employees state insurance Act 1948 enunciates the benefits under the Act in section :
(^) (8) 46
(C) 48 (D) None of the above
Section 61 of the Employees State Insurance Act 1948 bars :
(ಗ) Benefits to be combined (B) Persons to commute cash benefits
(0 Benefit under other enactments (D) Benefits from being attached
9 086/2016