Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'BLOOD BANK TECHNICIAN HEALTH SERVICES ENGLISH ' And exam conducted in the year 2019. And Question paper code was '054/2019'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Velume of anticoagulant preservative solution in collection bag
ശു 14 ml of CPDA for preserving 100 ml of blood
(B) 20 ml of CPDA for preserving 100 mi of blood
(ಲ) 14 ml of CPDA for preserving 350 ml of blood
(D) 20 ml of CPDA for preserving 350 ml of blood
The advantage of adding additives to blood bag Include
(മ) Prevents bacterial growth
(8) Increases the viscosity of blood
(€) Extends the storage of red blood celis
(D) Decreases the leukocyte survival
Storage of blood in frozen state is done by adding
(५) Adenine (8) ணட
(©) Glycerol (D) Dextrose
Refractoriness to Platelet transfusion Is due to
(A) Decreased Platelet production (8) Production of allo-antibodies
(८) Defective platelet tunction (D) Defactive cross matching
One unit of platelet concentrate increases the platelet count by
(ಹ) 5000-10000/microliter in a 70Kg person
(8) 10000-15000/microliter in a 70Kg person
(©) 15000-20000/microliter in a 70Kg person
(D) 20000-25000/microliter in a 70Kg person
If blood group of a person is A then antibodies present in that person's plasma is
ശ്ര anti - B antibodies (8) anti- A antibodies
(C) anti - O antibodies (D) anti - OA antibodies
The genes for A and B antigens are present in
(A) Chromosome 8 (B) Chromosome 9
(©) ೮೧೯೦೫೦೨೦೧7೨ 10 (D) Chromosome 11
54/2019 - A —B