Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'BLOOD BANK TECHNICIAN HEALTH SERVICES ENGLISH ' And exam conducted in the year 2019. And Question paper code was '054/2019'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Al are true abeut collection bag except
(മ) Easy to transport (8) Need more storage space
(C) Component separation easy (D) No chance for breakage
Which among the following is the best source of safe blood?
(മ) Voluntary non-remunerated donors (8) Replacement donors
(©) Professional donor (D) Directed donor
The storage temperature of blood for platelet concentrate is
ശ്ര 4-10°c (8) 16௦
(©) 1820௦ (D) 20௦-24௦
Which among the following is an eligible donor?
Male 20yrs, weight 50kg, Hb - 14gm/dl, donated blood 2 months back م۵)
(8) Female 20yrs, weight 50kg, Hb - 14gm/di, never donated before
(೦) Male 26yrs, welght 52 kg. Hb - 16gm/di, history of jaundice nine months back
(D) Female 26yrs, welght 40Kg, Hb-13gm/dl, never donated before
Post transfusion survival of red cells In CPDA anticoagulated blood is
(ക) 20 days (8) 25days
(©) 30days (D) 35days
Changes that occur in stored blood include all except
(ಹ) Decrease in platelet count (8) Decrease In granulocytes
(6) Decrease in RBC count (D) Decrease In PH
Leucodepleted blood product means
(ക) Removal of 50% of leucocytes with loss of less than 5% of red cells
(8) Removal of 70% of leucocytes with loss of less than 20% of red cells
(8) Removal of 60% of leucocytes with loss of less than 10% of red cells
(D) Removal of 80% of leucocytes with loss of less than 30% of red cells
Advantage of buffy coat platelets compared to PRP platelets include all except
(2) Minimal cell contamination (8) Rich in ہے دسا
(©) Better platelet survival (ಐ) High yield of plasma
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