Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'X RAY TECHNICIAN GR II INSURANCE MEDICAL SERVICE' And exam conducted in the year 2014. And Question paper code was '153/2014'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Regarding HSG, which of the following is not true ?
(ಗಿ) usually done at the 10t day of LMP
(18) pregnancy is the absolute contraindication
(C) when done with Foley’s catheter, endocervix could not be assessed
(D) the best modality for detecting congenital uterine malformations
Regarding Conventional X-ray tube, which of the following is not true ?
(^) space charge effect will limit the flow of electrons from filament
(४) focusing cup is made from nickel
(ಛಿ) 17 8 double filament X-ray tube, one filament will be larger than the other
(D) stereoscopic angiographic tube, more than 3 filaments are used
Regarding Conventional X-ray tube, which of the following is not true ?
(A) aged tubes acquire a bronze Coloured sunburn due to vapourisation إن tungsten
(B) only less than 1% of energy of the clectrons are converted into X-rays
(C) anode angle varies from 6 - 20 degrees
(D) as the anode angle is made smaller, the apparent focal spot becomes larger
Regarding Conventional X-ray tube, which of the following is not true ?
(A) anode rotation speed is 3000 - 3600 rpm
(8) lubricant for anode rotation is metallic silver
(C) anode stem is made up of beryllium
(0) compound anode is made up of molybdenum/ graphite and tungsten, thin layer of tungsten-
rhenium alloy attached to the disc serves 25 actual larget
Regarding photoelectric effect, which of the following is not true ?
[ക] always yield 3 end products namely characteristic radiation, negative photoelectron and
positive ion
(8) the tighter an electron is bound in the orbit, less likely it is to be involved in photoelectric
(C) enhances natural tissue contrast
(D) incident photon must have sufficient energy to overcome the binding energy of electron
Regarding factors determining the quantity of scatter radiation, which of the following is not
true ?
{A) FFD (B) field size (0 part thickness (10) kilo voltage (kVp)
Regarding attenuation, which of the following is not true 7
(A) is the reduction in the intensity of X-ray beam either by absorption or reflection
(8) attenuation of polychromatic and monochromatic beams are exponential
(ल) amount of attenuation depends on energy of radiation, atomic number and density of
electron/gram of tissue
(12) high atomic number elements attenuate more radiation
Regarding Autotransformer, which of the following is not true ?
(A) ண்ண of a double winding wound on a laminated closed core
(0) provides voltage for X-ray tube filament current
(9) provides voltage for primary of high voltage transformer
(0) works on principle of self induction
153/2014 9 A