Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'X RAY TECHNICIAN GR II INSURANCE MEDICAL SERVICE' And exam conducted in the year 2014. And Question paper code was '153/2014'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Regarding Barium Enema examination, which of the following is not true ?
(A) instant enema is used in ulcerative colitis
(8) soap and water enema is better than complete bowel wash in the preparation of double
contrast barium enema
(9) pnematosis intestinalis is a rare complication of barium enema study
(D) 24 hour post evacuation film is a must to rule out Hirshsprung's disease
Regarding |VP examination, which of the following is not true ?
(ക) delayed nephrogram is a sign of decreased renal function
(B) ball pyelogram is described in contracted kidneys
(C) adequate hydration of the patient is essential when ionic contrast medium is used
(D) erect films are used to evaluate nephroptosis
Regarding emergency IVP examination, which of the following is not true ?
(A) done in casualty without any prior preparation of patient
(18) प्ति films like KUB, 5 minute and 15 minute films, full bladder are taken
(C) usually dene for evaluating renal trauma or acute ureteric obstruction
(D) contrast dose is 1 ml of 300 mg of lodine/kg body weight
Regarding MCU examination, which of the following is not true ?
{^^} oblique films are better 10 visualize the VUR
(8) urinary bladder must be filled before doing MCU
(C) most commen indication in children is recurrent UTI
(D) obstructive lesions of female lower urinary tract is much lower than the boys.
Regarding Double contrast examination of GIT, which of the following is not true ?
(A) மலி evaluation of mucosal ulcers
(8) used for evaluation of obstructive lesions
(C) uses high density of barium for surface coating
(0) useful when single contrast study fails to detect small lesions
Regarding CT scan machine, which of the following is not true ?
{A) tube rating is given by mHu
(B) طط 117 technology is used in helical scanning
(C) 3 generation CT scanners are rotate-fixed type
(0) flat pannel detectors are used in 64 slice scanners
Regarding Rare earth screens, which of the following is not true ?
(A) emits green light
(B) are more effective than calcium tungstate screens
(C) are more cheaper than blue light emitting screens
(D) are used for high quality X-ray examinations
Regarding imaging of biliary tract, which of the following is not true ?
(^) பம cholangiography provides the most precise delineation of the anatomy of biliary
(8) ERCP is the best technique to differentiate benign from malignant disease
(C) MRI is the best technique for evaluation of the wall of extrahepatic biliary ducts
(D) Cholangiography is the most accurate technique for determining the precise level of