Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'RESEARCH ASSISTANT FOLKLORE ARCHAEOLOGY' And exam conducted in the year 2018. And Question paper code was '038/2018'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
‘Who popularized the term 'Subaltern’ to refer folk?
(മ William Mannhardt {B) A.V.Genep
{C) Geza Roheim {D) Antanio Gramsci
Dhokra is a form of folk craft found in :
வ Uttar Pradesh {B) Manipur
{C) West Bengal യ) Himachal Pradesh
‘Which one is correctly matched?
(A} William Rivers — Diffusionist School
(B} Bastin — Structural School
(0 R.Lynton— Functional School
(D} Morgan — Structural School
The names Gambhir Singh Mura, Abbasuddin Bhabapritananda Ojha and Siraj Sai are
serially related to :
¢} Jhumur, Chhau, Baul, Bhawaiya
(@ Chhau, Bhawaiya, Jhumur, Baul
)0 Jhumur, Chhau, Bhawaiya, Baul
യ) Jhumur, Baul, Chhau, Bhawaiya
‘Which one of following pairs is correctly matched?
(A} Folksong Society (1899) - 84
ற Folklore Research Institute (1948) — Korea
(C} Finnish Literary Society (1831) — Sweden
(D) International Society for Folk Narrative Research (1962) — Finland
The book ‘The types of International Folktales : A classification and bibliography’ was
written by :
{A) Anti Arne (3) Stith Thompson
{C) Hans Uther (D) Walter Anderson
Folk ballad is :
{A) Narrative song {B) Devotional song
€) Work song (2) Occupational song
Identify the correct pair :
(മ Mallikarjun — Guahati
{B) Sabarimala — Ayyappan
{C) Theyyam — Tamilnadu
(D) Chandrabhagamela — Manipur
038/2018 10 A