Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'RESEARCH ASSISTANT STATE PLANNING BOARD' And exam conducted in the year 2018. And Question paper code was '048/2018'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
اا ااه ااام 0482018
In a non-abelian group G, the element b has order 108. Which one of the following is
the order of b* 7
A) 9 B) 18 C) 54 D) 27
Lot G 06 a group such that a2 = e for each a € G, where e is the identity element of G.
Which one of the following is true ?
A) Gis finite B) Gis cyclic
C) Gis abelian D) None of the above
If (an) is a sequence of real numbers satisfying (am ‘)2 = 2an— 1, then which one of the
following is true ?
ಹಿ) lima, =1 B) lim a, doesn’t exist
مده مجه
பற க = 2 D) nI_wlma,,—-—z )0
⋅ ⋅⋅ ⋅ —, 1013820
Which one of the following is true for the function f(x) = ?
1 forx=0
A) Continuous only atx < 0 B) Continuous only atx > 0
C) Continuous only atx =0 D) Continuous for all x except 0
Which one of the following statements is true for the function f(z) =y ?
A) Satisfy Cauchy-Reimann equations ~ B) Not analytic at any point
C) Not a harmonic function D) An entire function
If f(z) = u + iv is an analytic function with non-zero derivative then the angle between
the family of curves u(x, y) = C, and v(x, y) = C, where C, and C, are real numbers is
A) 180° B) 45° 0) -907 0) 90"
/೧10೧ ೦೧9 ೦11೧9 1010117015 179 195006 01] sinz & its pole ?
3 = 3 -3
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