Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'RESEARCH ASSISTANT STATE PLANNING BOARD' And exam conducted in the year 2018. And Question paper code was '048/2018'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
0482018 اا ااه الام
Which one of the following is the Kemel of the linear transformation T : R* — R® defined by
டே ಸ್ವಸ್ಯ ಸ್ನ) −− டே 0, ಸ್ಯ 0)?
A) Ker(T)={(a,0,0,b)|a,b e R} B) Ker(T)={(a,0,b,0)|a,b e R}
C) Ker(T)={(0,a,b,0)|a,b, € R} D) Ker(T)={(0,a,0,b)|a,b e R}
Which one of the following is the linear transformation T:R® — R? determined by the
1 21
matrix| 0 1 1] 1695066 10 116 51210810 0855 {6,, 6.,8.}?
-1 3 4 1 2 9
ಯಿ) 7(8, 0, ©) = (8 - ©, 28 - 0 + 36, 82 - 0 - 30)
8) 1(8, 0, 9) = (2 - ©, 28 + 0, 8 + 0 + 30)
© 7{&, 9, ©) = (&- 6, 28 + 0 + 36, 8 + 0 + 46}
0) 7(8, 0, ©} = (8 +©, 28 - 0 - 36, 3 + 0 4 40)
2 1
3 1 | 8/6
2 2
A) 5,2,1 B) 0,0,0 0) 5,3,2 0) 5,1,1
جح +~ +¬
The eigen values of the matrix A= |
Which one of the following is the inverse of a, a = —1 where - 18 a binary operation ೦೧
the set of Real numbers R, definedbya+b=a+b+ab?
_a 101 —a
1و 9 ٦ہع (8 1و 2ھ 0 2.)
Let R be a commutative ring with unity of characteristic 4. Then for all 2, 0 € R, which
one of the following is the expansion of (a + 0 ?
A) a*+b* 8) 94 + 28202 + 04
©) ५ +44202 + ९4 0) 420 + 04
Which one of the following is not a subgroup of the cyclic group ಶ್ಶಿ ?
ಹಿ) {0,2,4,6} B) {0,1,3,4,6} C) {0,2,3,4,6} D) {0,4}
_ 12 3 4 5 6 7 8
Which one of the following is same asthe permutation | g 2 63 7 4 5 1)?
A (1 866൧൫7 5) 1 28/3 64)6 7
C)(1 8)2 36 45 7) 5086 6457)