Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'LECTURER IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING GOVST POLYTECHNICS TECHNICAL EDUCATION' And exam conducted in the year 2016. And Question paper code was '167/2016'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
The inductance of a long solenoid is measured as 1 mH. What will be its inductance, if the
number of turns is doubled?
(4) 1mH 0) 4mH
(0 05mH D) 2mH
The energy stored in the magnetic field of a salenoid carrying a current of 10 A is 0.5 J, What
will be the stored energy if the number of turns is doubled and the current is halved?
A 14 8 89
(¢) 084 തു 0.26
A capacitance is formed using 3 different dielectrics, as shown in the figure. If the
capacitance due to dielectric A alone is 24F, what is the total capacitance?
B =2 e
ജട و
(ಯ) رص 7ر3 8uF
(0 2⁄2 D) 4/7
The minimum regulation of a transformer occurs at a power factor of 0.707. The power factor
at maximum regulation will be :
(४) 0.806 (ए) 0707
)0 ಟಟ] (0) 0.8
The core loss of a transformer under OC test was measured as 40 W using an LPF
wattmeter. If the same power is measured using an HPF wattmeter, what will it read :
வ > 40 ण (೫) < 40 भ
(0 40४ (D) Cannot predict
A 220 V DC machine which runs at rated speed as a generator supplies 10 A current. If the
same machine is allowed to run as a motor and if it takes 10 A current, at what percentage of
rated speed will it run?
(^) 89% (B) 100%
(0 102% (D) 112%
In a Brush Less DC (BLDC) motor, the construction of motor is similar to :
(ക Stepper (18) Universal motor
(C) DC motor ४ (D) Synchronous motor
The load angle of a'perfectly compensated DC motor is :
(4) 9० ⋅ (8) 908
(0 1805 (D) Between 0° and 90°
9 ' 167/2016