Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'LECTURER IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING GOVST POLYTECHNICS TECHNICAL EDUCATION' And exam conducted in the year 2016. And Question paper code was '167/2016'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
A Kaplan turbine is preferred when the available head is :
(ക 10% (B) Medium
(C) High (D) None of these
In a nuclear reactor, heavy water can be ideally used as :
(A) PBiological shield (B) Moderator
(() Control rods (D) All of the above
Form factor is equal to :
(४) Average value (8) r.m.s. value
r.m.s. value Average value
r.m.s, value യു Average value
instantanious value instantanious value
Value of Power factor lies in between :
(^) 01 (B) 0and10
(C) 10 and 100 (D) 10 and 1000
Two resisters B, and R, give combined resistance of 6 chm when in series and 0.83 ohm
when in parallel. The resistances are :
(4) 3ohm and 3 ochm (B) 4 ohm and 2 chm
(C) 5 ohm and 1 ohm (D) 4.5 ohm and 1.5 chm
In an R, L, C series circuit impedance Z is equal to :
@ R னா படத கப்
0 ++ © 4೫.೫೮೫
A wire having resistance R, is ലട to double its length. The new resistance R, is :
കര & (B) 2R
(0 7ه തു ക
When voltage applied to a diode is more than PIV, it is likely to result in :
(ಡಿ) More distortion on output side (B) Poor regulation
(0 Conduction in both direction (D) Breakdown at the junction
Which of these cells in GSM / CDMA networks are used for densely populated areas?
(ಗ) Macro cells (0) Micro cells
(©) Selective cells (D). Umbrella cells
The one bit registers provided in microcontrollers to store the results of certain program
instructions are called a .
(A)Smtusflem'ter (18) Program Counter
(C) Flag (D) DPTR
7 167/2016