Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'ASSISTANT ENGINEER(CIVIL) IRRIGATION' And exam conducted in the year 2020. And Question paper code was '013/2020'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
The surface joining the static water levels in several wells penetrating a confined
aquifer represents :
(A) water table surface
(3) piezometric surface of the aquifer
(ಲ) capillary fringe
(D) cone of depression
The time required by rain water to reach the outlet of drainage basin is generally
called :
(A) Time of concentration (B) Duration of the rainfall
(C) Lag time (D) Recession time
The sum of exterior angles for a hexagon is :
A& 0 B) 1440
(೧ 900 യ) 1080
If the included angle at station B in an open traverse ABCDE 1s 158°24' then the
deflection angle is:
(^) 515861. B) 21°36R
(C) 338°24R D) 338°24'L
The following perpendicular offsets were taken at 10 m intervals from a survey line
to an irregular boundary line. The area in square metre enclosed between the survey
line, irregular line, first and last offsets by Simpson’s rule is :
Perpendicular offsets, 5m, 2m,4.5m,6m,1m,2m,4m,25m,4m
(^) 260 m2 (B) 520 m?
(C) 180 m? D) 860 m?
The probable error of area (in m?) of rectangle sides are 100 + — 0.01 m and
200 + - 0.02 0 18 :
(^) +-2 (8) +- 0.0002
(2) + - 0.0 0) 3-147
If the cross sectional areas at every 50 m, in a length of 200 m are :
5 m?2, 10 m2, 15 773, 10 m2, 5 m? then, volume by trapezoidal rule is
(^) 4000 ೫3 (9) 5000 ೫3
(0 2000 ೫3 त) 800005
The covered area of a building measured at floor level is called :
(^) Floor area (B) Plinth area
(C) Carpet area (D) Circulation area
A building costs Rs. 40000. Considering scrap value as 10% of the cost and life as
60 years, the depreciated value after 20 years is :
(A) 88800 (B) 34800
(C) 32800 D) 81800
013/2020 6 A