Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Title : Sr.Supdt/Accounts Officer Kerala State Insurance Sr.Supdt (SR from ST only Dairy Development
Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Sr.Supdt/Accounts Officer Kerala State Insurance Sr.Supdt (SR from ST only Dairy Development' And exam conducted in the year 2019-K. And Question paper code was '023/2019-K'. Medium of question paper was in Kannada and English (containing Kannada questions) . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

page: 3 out of 16

Excerpt of Question Code: 023/2019-K

23/2019 - {£



6.25 5: /0.000001 < +/0.0036 =
(ಹ) 0.015 ൫ 0.000015 (©) 0.0015 (D) 0.00015

The H CF of two numbers is 15 and their L C M is 900. If one of number is 60, then the
other is :

(ಹ) 135 (B) 225 (೦ 125 (0) 175

Time in a clock is 10.25. What is the angle between hour hand and minute hand ?
ക] 95° ஐ 105° © 1005 (D) 110°

A metallic right circular cone of volume 288 7 cm® is melt into sphere. What is surface
area of the sphere ?

(ക) 144 7em? ®) 124 ಇಲುಪಿ ©) 136 7 em? (D) None of these

A train 250 m long is moving at a speed of 86 km/hr. In how much time will it take to
cross a man coming from the opposite direction at a speed of 4 km/hr ?

(A) 12 seconds (B) 14 seconds (C) 10 seconds (D) 16 seconds

If 7 men or 12 women can complete a work in 25 days. How many days take to finish
same work with 21 men and 24 women ?

(ಹ) 10 days (B) 5 days (ಲ) 12 days (D) 15 days

Anil and Rahim deposited same amount of money for three years in a Bank. Anil
deposited at 10% simple interest and Rahim deposited at 10% compound interest. After
3 years Rahim got ¥ 1550 more than that of Anil. How much amount they
deposited ?

(५) T 50,000 ൫) T 25000 (© ¥ 30,000 (0) ₹ 40,000

111५ July 2013 is Thursday, then December 2016 is :
(ಹ) Sunday (8) Saturday (ಲ) Monday (D) Tuesday

IfA:B=4:3,B:C=6:10then A:B:Cis:
(^) 0 (8) 4:6:10 (ಲ) 4:3:10 (D) 8:3:10

(^) 4 ൫ 2 < 8 D 16


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Sr.Supdt/Accounts Officer Kerala State Insurance Sr.Supdt (SR from ST only Dairy Development : Video