Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'LD Clerk (SR For ST Only) In Various Dept MALAYALAM ' And exam conducted in the year 2020-M. And Question paper code was '003/2020-M'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam and English (containing Malayalam questions) . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
If you leam well, you the exam.
(¢) ೦೫ 0೩56 (8) could pass
(C) could have passed (D) could passed
“Sunstroke’ is a word formed using
(ಹ) prefix (B) suffix
(€) compound (D) None of the above
Choose the correct idiom to substitute the underlined word. He did the work irregularly.
(A) inblack and white (B) by fits and starts
(C) in deep water (D) head over heels
The passive form of “The child broke the toys’ is
(¢) The toys was broken by the child.
(B) The toys was being broken by the child.
(C) The toys were being broken by the child.
(D) The toys were broken by the child.
1 just come.
(A) was (B) am
(0 has (D) have
One word substitute for ‘the original inhabitants of a place’ is
(¢) accomplices (B) aborigines
(€) [न्तमा (D) cosmopolitans
The candidates be in possession of their hall tickets.
(A) can (B) may
¢) ഷ്! (D) must
Balu to Akshara “where are you going 2. The reported form of this sentence is
(ಗ) Balu asked Akshara where she were going.
(3) Balu asked Akshara where she was going.
(C) Balu asked Akshara where she had been going.
(D) Balu asked Akshara where was she going.
His only bad habits is smoking. The underlined word is a .
(ಯ) ಅಗಲೆ (8) present participls
(C) past continuous (D) None of the above