Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Title : Reporter Grade II (Malayalam) (NCA- Muslim) - Legislature Secreratiat
Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Reporter Grade II (Malayalam) (NCA- Muslim) - Legislature Secreratiat ' And exam conducted in the year 2022. And Question paper code was '26/2022/OL'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

page: 5 out of 14
Excerpt of Question Code: 26/2022/OL

(iv) Autobiography of Tatazhi Siva Sankarapilla ടിന Mudrakal
‘AOnly (i and ii)
B-Only (11 and iv)
C-Only (ii and ii
D:-Only (and iv)
Correct Answer: 8
‘Question27::Which of the following incidents are connected to Sree Narayana Guru?
0 Slogan uttered-know and inform and not to Argue and win
(ii) Kallumata Samaram
(ii) Aruvipuram installation
(iv) Misra Bhojanam
க0டி (ii and ii
B-Only (i and iv)
C-Only 0 and it)
D:-Only (iii and iv)
Correct Answer: Option-C
‘Question28:-Which news papers are used by C. Krishnan and TK. Madhavan to attack against untouchability in Malabar and Travancore?
0 Swaraj
(ii) Deshabhimani
(ii) Vivekodaya
(iv) Mithavadi
॥ and 1) only
B-Only (i and iv)
C-Only (ii and ii
D:-Only (1 and iv)
Correct Answer: Option-D
‘Question29:-Which factors are true in connection with ‘Wagon Tragedy’?
0) Closed railway good wagon run from Tanur to Coimbatore

(ii) Closed railway goods wagon run from Tirur to Coimbatore
(ii) Sixty one out 90 mappila rebels died of asphyxiation during the course of joumey in a closed railway ೮೦೦೮5 wagon

‎(i and ii)‏ رادم يم
‎B:Only (1)‏
‎Only (i and i)‏

‎Correct Answer: 00६०५
‘Question30:-Which of the statement are the correct of the left wing in Kerala during the Civil Disobedience movement?
(i). Started a news paper called ‘Prabhatam' as the official organ of the KPCC
(ii) Leaders unleashed a sharp criticism against the defeatist attitude of the National Leadership of Congress
கரடி 0)
B-Only (i)
C-Only (i and ii)
D:-Both are false
Correct Answer: Option-C
‘Question31:-The ‘Pattini Jatha' organized by the two Socialist leaders, who are they?
1) CK Govindan Nair
0) AK Gopalan
(ii) K.Kelapan
(iv) KPR Gopalan
‘AOnly (i and ii)
B-Only (ii and iv)
C-Only (ii and ii
D:-Only (iii and iv)
Correct Answer: 8
‘Question32:(2. Known as Choorni in ancient times
(ii) Length is 344 km
(ii) Known as the lifeline of Kerala
(iv) Flowing towards east

‎‘AOnly (i and ii)

‎B-Only (1 and ii)

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Reporter Grade II (Malayalam) (NCA- Muslim) - Legislature Secreratiat : Video