Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'ASSISTANT ENGINEER DIRECT/BY TRANSFER KERALA WATER AUTHORITY' And exam conducted in the year 2016. And Question paper code was '028/2016'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
The strength of chlorine in fresh bleaching powder is :
(A) About 60% (3) About 10%
(C) About 20% (D) About 30%
Estimated the quantity of secondary sludge produced by a secondary settling tank treating
sewage discharge of 3.5 mld. The sludge may be assumed to have a solid concentration of
200 7721, 7೫೫1೧೪81 விரிவான of suspended solids as 90% and the solid content of the sludge as
6 per cent : #
(5) 10.5 cum/day
(7) 8.3 cum/day
(0 9.1 cum/day
(D) 7.93 cam/day
The equation used for experimental measurement 08 ೪180081 18 :
(ಗಿ) Darey equation (3) Stokes equation
(ര Fanning equation (D) Hagen Poiseuille equation
Bernoullis equation is derived starting from :
(A) Mass Balance (B) Force Balance
(C) Momentum Balance (D) Energy Balance
Orificemeter is used for measuring :
{A) Pressure (ए) Flow rate
(೧) Density (D)) Viscosity
Optical Pyrometer working principle is based on :
(ക Stefan-Boltzmann law (B) Weins displacement law
(C) Kirchoff law (D) Plancks law
Froude number is directly proportional to :
(ಗ) Impeller speed (ए) Fluid viscosity
)© Square of Impeller diameter (D) Square of impeller speed
Centrifuging in Ball mills occur when the speed is :
(^) Equal to Critical speed ` (B) Less than critical speed
)© Greater than critical speed (D) None of the above
Peclet Number NPe ia the product ല്;
ക്രു Reynolds Number and Nusselt Number
(B) Reynolds No. and Prandtl No.
(C) Prandtl No. and Nusselt No.
(D) Reynolds No. and Rayleigh No.