Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'ASSISTANT ENGINEER DIRECT/BY TRANSFER KERALA WATER AUTHORITY' And exam conducted in the year 2016. And Question paper code was '028/2016'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Strength of a 20 mm diameter bolt of grade 4.6 for a single cover butt joint. The cover plate
being 10 mm thick. Assume steel of grade Fe 410, f, =410 MPa, for bolts of grade 4.6,
நீடி“ 400 MPa, Partial safety factor for the material of the bolt 7., = 1.25 and net tensile
stress area of 20 mm diameter bolt A, = 245 mm2, k; =0.5 in single shear is :
ல ஸு യു 45.26kN
(©) 96.0kN . (1))1251(1\'-
Minimum grade of concrete mix used for water retaining structures with alternate wetting
and drying :
@) M20 (೫) M25
(© भ 30 (D) M35
A hook 12 mm diameter is embedded in concrete for a distance of 100 mm. Calculate the
maximum load which the hook can carry if the bond stress is not to exceed 1.28 N/mm* :
(வி 5100N B) 415N
© 4825 N (0) 5000 7
Year's purchase for an old building if its future life is 15 years and the rate of interest is 7%
on capital and 4% for sinking fund :
(ಗ) 8.883 . (8) 9.231
(@ 10.11 (1) 10.21
A beam of span / carries a concentrated load P at mid span. Work done by the external load
23 ५8
21 01
( ന ~
۵ ल्ल ۵ رو
{४ ற
ان D) العا
© ன © ल्ल
A three hinged arch of span 20 m and rise 4 m carries a uniformly distributed load of
25 kN/m. Horizontal thrust is :
(ಹ) ۲ (B) 500 kN
(0) 3125kN (D) 425 kN
Find the shortest length L for a pin ended steel column having a cross section of
60 7271 ೬100 721% 107 which Euler's formula applies. Take Es=2x10°N/mm? and critical
proportional limit is 250 N/mm®:
(A) 6000 mm (ए) 2500 mm
(C) 2000 mm (D) 1539 mm
5 028/2016