Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'ASSISTANT ENGINEER CIVIL KSHB/KSRTC SIDCO ASSISTANT ENGINEER HYDROLOGY GROUND WATER' And exam conducted in the year 2016. And Question paper code was '072/2016'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
The kind of survey work in which curvature of earth is ignored is called :
(A) Aerial survey (B) Geological survey
(C) Geodetic survey (D) Plane survey
As per Indian standard specification, the length of one link in 30 metre chain is
(A) 20cm (B) 30cm
(C) 40cm @) 10cm
Example for an obstacle that obstructs both chaining and ranging :
(A) River (B) Hillock
(C) Lake ൩) Building
The instrument that is used for measurement of angles :
(A) Geodimeter (B) Tellurometer
(C) Sextant (D) Telescope
The magnetic bearing of a line is 62° 20’ and the magnetic declination at that place is
2° 50’ east, then the true bearing of that line will be :
(A) 647 70 بت 30'
(0) 0 (D) 65° 10°
Ina plane table survey the plotting of inaccessible points can be done by :
(A) Method of intersection (B) Method of interpolation
(C) Method of radiation (D) Method of traversing
Mean sea level MSI is established after analysing the tidal fluctuations over a period of :
(A) 10 years (B) 16 years
(C) 19 years (2) 50 years
A star is observed at its upper culmination when it is north of zenith. The latitude of the
place of observation is 30° N and declination of the star is 50° N. The zenith distance of the
star is :
(A) 10° (B) 20°
(C) 40° (D) 80°
The method of levelling in which the heights of mountains are found by observing the
temperature at which water boils is known as :
(A) hypsometry (B) barometric levelling
(0) reciprocal levelling (D) check levelling
11 072/2016