Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'ASSISTANT ENGINEER CIVIL KSHB/KSRTC SIDCO ASSISTANT ENGINEER HYDROLOGY GROUND WATER' And exam conducted in the year 2016. And Question paper code was '072/2016'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
9. ‘The thickness of cylindrical shell is designed on the basis of :
(A) Longitudinal stress (B) Bending stress
(C) Circumferential stress (D) Hoop stress
10. The stress at which a material fractures under large number of reversal of stresses is called :
(A) Residual stress (B) Creep
(C) Endurance limit (D) Ultimate stress
11. Ina closed coiled helical spring subjected to axial load, other quantities remaining the same,
if the wire diameter is doubled, then the stiffness of the spring when compared to the original
one, will become : ⋅
(A) Twice (ए) 4 times
)0 8 times (D) 16 times
12. A soil having uniformity coefficient less than 4 is called :
(A) Uniform (B) Fine
(C) Coarse (D) Well graded soil
13. The maximum size of clay particle is :
(A) 0.1mm (B) 0.03 mm
(C) 0.002 mm (0) 0.0002 mm
14. The ratio between the total volume of voids and the total volume of solids is called :
(A) Void ratio (B) Porosity
(C) Void fraction (D) Solid fraction
15. The most accurate method of determining the water content in a sample of soil is :
(A) Sand bath method (1) Calcium carbide method
(C) Oven drying method (D) Alcohol method
16, Wet sieve analysis of fine particles is done if nearly all soil particles pass through square
sieve openings of :
(ಗಿ) 0,075 mm (3) 0.045 mm
(C) 0.212 mm (D) 0.300 mm
17, The plasticity index is equal to:
(५) Liquid limit — Shrinkage limit (இ Liquid limit — Plastic limit
(C) Plastic limit — Liquid imit (D) Plastic limit — Shrinkage limit
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