Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'VOCATIONAL TEACHER CIVIL CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE VHSE' And exam conducted in the year 2016. And Question paper code was '064/2016'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
- 79.
Negative float can oceur in case 01:
(ക) Normal activity (B) Critical activity
(¢) Sub-critical activity (D) Super eritical activity
Sea water has a total dissolved solids concentration of about :
(A) 360 mg/ litre (B) 3,600 mg/litre
(© 36,000 mgllitre (D) 3,60,000 1181109
Maximum value of strain hardening modulus oceurs :
(A) at the beginning of strain hardening curve
(B) during first half of sirain — hardening curve
(©) during second half of strain hardening curve
(D) at the end of strain hardening curve
A 30 m metric chain is found to be 10 em too short throughout a measurement. If the
distance measured is recorded as 300 m. What is the actual distance?
(ക 300.1m (B) 299m
ര 801௩. (D) 304m
The unknown multiples or independent constants used for finding most probable values of
unknown are known as :
(A) correlates ) (8 matching value
(€) adjustment factors (D) none of these
The photographic coordinates of pt A is “8.48mm and ~16.38 mm . The focal length of the
lens is 120.80 mm. Azimuth of the camera axis is 10° 53'. Azimuth of Bis :
(ಯ) 32°40' തു 11°53
(C) 18 48' © 58'
The void ratio and specific gravity of a soil are 0.65 and 2.72 ೫05000೫7701. The degree of
saturation in percent corresponding to water content of 20% is :
(ക) 65.3 ൫ 89.7
© 209 (D) 54.4
From which country India borrowed the concept of preamble of Indian Constitution :
(ക Germany (8) USA
(C) Canada (D) Spain
064/2016 12 A