Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'LECTURER GR I I RURAL ECONOMICS RURAL DEVELOPMENT LECTURER GR I I RURAL ECONOMICS RURAL DEVELOPMENT' And exam conducted in the year 2016. And Question paper code was '065/2016'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Who founded the ‘Cheraman Mahojonsabha' to protest against the traditional attitude and
customs of the caste Hindus and caste Hindu converts :
(४) Dr. Ayyathan Gopalan . (B) Pampady John Joseph
Velukutty Aryan (D) Moorkoth Kumaran رم
Which state of India is known as the cradle of banking :
(A) Karnataka (B) Tamil Nadu
(C) Gujarath (D) Punjab
The comprehensive scheme started by the government of India to prevent trafficking and to
provide rescue and rehabilitation to victims :
(ಯ) Bwadhar (B) SABLA
(C) Ujjawala (D) Snehitha
The cyclone which hit the coastal areas of Andrapradesh and Odisha in November 2014 :
(മ Ashobha (B) Nilofar
(C) Phailin (D) Hud-Hud
The year proposed on which Kerala is to be declared as E-Literacy state :
(ക) 2020 @ 2017
(€) 2019 © 1
‘Saukaryam’ is an e-governance project of :
(A) Kerala (B) Andra Pradesh
(C) Tamil Nadu (D) Karnataka
Among the following social reformers of Kerala who came to be known as ‘Vidhyadhiraja’ :
(A) Ayyankali : (B) Brahmananda Sivayogi
(C) Vagbhadananda (2) Chattambi Swamikal
The state ranked first in women empowerment as per National productivity council :
(ಯ) Maharashtra (B) Rajasthan
(C) Kerala (D) Chattisgarh
100, The country that recently launched bio-satellite named Bion-M :
ക USA (B) Germany
(C) Russia (D) Britain
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