Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'LECTURER GR I I RURAL ECONOMICS RURAL DEVELOPMENT LECTURER GR I I RURAL ECONOMICS RURAL DEVELOPMENT' And exam conducted in the year 2016. And Question paper code was '065/2016'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
9. Money is said to be neutral when :
(A) Changes in Money supply lead to increase in national income
(ए) Changes in Money supply do not have any influence on real sector
(€) Changes in Money supply leads to decrease in national income
(D) None of the above
10. High powered money is controlled by :
(ക Public ⋅ (B) Government
(0 Business (D) None of the above
11. The Life Cycle Theory was propounded by :
(A) Keynes (8) Dusenberry
(0) Friedman (D) Ando-modigliani
12, Equal increases in government spending and taxes :
(ക) Have no effect on equilibrium output (இ) Reduce equilibrium output
(C) Increases equilibrium output (D) Both (A) and (B)
19. Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) was launched in :
A 1997 (B) 1999
(©) 1996 ய 1
14. The second green revolution in India is also known as :
(ക Blue revolution (ए) Rainbow Revolution
(C) Yellow Revolution (D) Dark revolution
15. Who wrote the book “Asian Drama?
(&) 41% Galbraith ®) WA Lewis
(C) AK.Sen ⋅ (D) Gunnar Myrdal
16. The term NIEQ refers to:
(മ New Internal Economic Offense
(8) New Impact on Economic Order
(८) New International Economic Order
(D) National Integration of Economic Organization
065/2016 ⋅ 4