Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'DIVISIONAL ACCOUNTANT KERALA WATER AUTHORITY PRELIMINARY TEST' And exam conducted in the year 2014. And Question paper code was '106/2014'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Manufacturing Account is prepared انه ود ما
(^) Caost of goods sold (B) Cost of good produced
(രല) Net profit (12) Work in progress
The amount paid to an author for the use of copy right is called
(^) Minimum rent (B) Commission (ಬ) Patent (12) Royalty
refer to the amount spent on fuel, coal, diesel and freshwater used for the purpose
of voyage.
(^) Port charges (8) Bunker cost (C) Primage (D) Passage money
Where the loss of an assel has been identified by the bank, but the amount has not been
written off wholly or partly is known as
(A) Bad - debis (8) Sub standard assets
(C) Loss asset (D) Doubtful assets
Under inflationary condition method will show highest value of closing stack.
(A) LIFO (8) ना
(C) Average price (D) None of these
Anil drew a bill on Binil for Rs. 30,000 for three months. Proceeds are to be shared equally.
A got the bill discounted @ 12% per annum and remits the required proceeds to ‘B’. The
amount of such remittance will be .
(A)Rs.i5,0[)0 (B)Rs.14,5{]0 (c)[-:-.-.u,ssn (D}RS,M,G:CI"
During the year 2013 a business concern earned a net profit of Rs. 42,000. The manager is
entitled to a commission of 5% of the net profit. Find the amount of the commission so
(^) Rs. 2,000 (8) 8 0 (८) 1२5. 2,200 (೧) Rs. 2,010
Valuation and presentation of inventories is :
(^) 1^5 5 18) 1454 (€) 1AST (12) 1452
Accounting principles are 08561 00 _ .ح.
(வ) Objectivity (8) Convenience (0) Practicability (D) Subjectivity
7 106/2014