Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'TRADESMAN MACHINIST TECHNICAL EDUCATION KTM AND TSR' And exam conducted in the year 2014. And Question paper code was '150/2014'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Ajob s to be faced holding it between centres. For supporting the job. Which of the following
centres, would you suggest ?
(^) Half Centre (ए) Ball Point Centre
{C) Revolving Centre (D) Pipe Centre
What do you understand by the term “HARDNESS” of a grinding wheel ?
(A) A grinding wheel to grind hard material.
(B) The strength of the bond to hold the abrasive grains together
(೧) The ability of a grinding wheel to separate the abrassive particles easily
(D) The Brinell hardness of the grinding wheel
To improve productivity in manufacturing jigs and fixtures are used
(A) Guides the tool while cutting
(B) s used only for drilling and boring operations
)© Only small components can be held by this
(D) It helps to hold the workpiece in the correct position
You have to mill an aluminium job which one of the following feature of the cutter is suitable
for this ? ,
(ക) Straight teeth cutter with larger wedge angle
(18) Helical teeth cutter with zero rake angle
(©) More number of cutting edges with more chip space
(D) Less number of cutting edges with more chip space
It is required to machine single start worm of 2 module (m) and 60 mm pitch diameter. The
speed ratiois 40 : 1.
(A) 293 mm (B) 33.3 mm (ಲ) 21 mm (D) 14.6 mm
A gear wheel has 20 teeth (7) and 3 mm module {m) its pitch diameter (pd) is
(A) 12 mm (B) 60 mm (C) 75 mm (D) 108 mm
What is the advantages of helical fluted taps ?
(ക) Drilling to minor diameter (B) Tapping on slotted hole
(0) Lubrication is easy (0) Self alingnment of tap is possible
9 150/2014