Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'TRADESMAN MACHINIST TECHNICAL EDUCATION KTM AND TSR' And exam conducted in the year 2014. And Question paper code was '150/2014'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
A centre gauge 15 used to .
(A) Check the pitch of the thread (8) Set the tool at the correct centre height
(೮) Check the fit of the thread (0) Check the angle of threading tool
100 mm dia. work runs at 250 RPM on a lathe, the culting speed is
[ക] 25 m/min. (B) 121 m/min. (೮) 785 m/min. (D) 50 m/min.
Knurling is done on
(ക) Flat Surface (8) Cylindrical Surface
(C) Concave Surface (D) Convex Surface
The included angle of the morse taper is .
@ 1° (೫) ॐ © 230 (D) 5°
Chip breaker is provided to ९
زہ) Avold tool setting blunt [8 Reduce heat generation
(C) Minimise tool life (D) Metal continous chip formation
The morse standard taper is available in
(A) 20 Nos (B) 12 Nos (ಲ) 10 Nos (D) 08 Nos
A mandril is used
(ಸ) Ina chuck for moving the jaws
(ए) ல மறன turning only
) ×٢۷ holding the dead centre
(D) For turning ೩ bored workpiece over the whole length
Top rake angle of a parting tool is .
(A]BerweenS"-é’(B]Z“ (9 30*- 455 Dy 605
Quick return mechanism in a planner is necessary ما ⋅
≼⋀⋟⊞∇⊜⋮⊡∞⋅⊏⊾∋⊔↜∎⋅≸≛⊏≋ ≺⊞⋀⋁∐⊳⇂⊔↓∃∐∥∎⋅∏⊰∘≵↾∐↴∈↥∘∘⇂↱∘↿⊽∏↾
(€) Reduce operation time (D) Increase operation time
150/2014 6 A