Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'TRADESMAN WELDING TECHNICAL EDUCATION TVM KLM PTA KTM EKM TSR MPM KKD KNR DISTS' And exam conducted in the year 2014. And Question paper code was '147/2014'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Which are the two metals contained in a solder ?
(ಸ) Tinand Lead (8) Copper and Lead
(9) Copper and Tin (D) ہا and Chromium
Rectifier is used for converting
(ಸ) DCto AC (8) DCtoDC (€) عد معدم (D) ACtoDC
To which terminal of the D.C machine the electrode cable is connected in straight
polarity ?
(ಯ) Positive (8) Negative (C) Neutral (D) None of these
All oxygen regulator connection has __ threaded.
)۸( hand {B) Right hand (C) Vivpe (D) None of these
How much current you will set for 4 MM @ medium coated mild steel electrode ?
{^} 9010 110 amp இ 180 to 200 amp (C) 150 to 170 amp (D) 70 to 90 amp
What is the percentage carbon present in mild steel ?
(A) 0.15 (0 0.3% (8) 005t001% (0) 05% 08% (2) 08 0 3.4%
ಹಿ Flame is recommended when preheating of oxy-acetylene cutting method.
(५५) Oxidizing (18) Neutral (5 Carburizing (2) (02
Boiling point of Oxygen .
(५) -195.8°C (B) -1887'೮ (ര -1829°C (೧) -1728°C
The frequency of AC is Cycle/second.
(A) 40 (8) 50 (€) 60 (D) 70
Name the heat treatment process used to improve softness and ductility in mild steel :
(ಸ) Annealing (B) Normalizing (ल) Tempering (D) Hardening
What should be the distance between the tip of the cuiting nozzle from the top surface of the
plate to be cut ?
(A) 5mm (8) 3mm (€) 2mm (D) 7mm
147/2014 4 A