Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'SURVEYOR GR II HYDROGEOLOGY BRANCH GROUND WATER' And exam conducted in the year 2015. And Question paper code was '094/2015'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
59. BM in 3 designates :
(4) Bench mark 18) Bending moment
(0 Bending mark 1) All the above
-60. The average refraction correction can 06 taken قم ൦-൦ of the curvature
(A} 40 (ക) 7۵
(८) 1/6" യു വ
61. A church is situated on the far side of a river and is inaccessible. 11 can be located by
— method in plane table surveying.
(^) Radiation (B) Intersection
(C) Resection (D) Traversing
62. The lines having equal gradient along a slope are called :
(६५) Contour intervals (B) Centre slape
(C) Grade contour (M) Contour gradient
63, —————— where the contour lines intersect each സ
(A) Vertical cliff (B) षाः
(C) Valley (I3} Overhanging cliff
64. If the angle of intersection of a curve is ¢, then deflection angle will be :
(4) 180+¢ ല് 180 -#
(८) 90-¢ ‘(D) 90+¢
65. The angle subtended the long chord of a simple circular at its centre is equal to :
(५) Deflection angle _ (B}150Ldenecu'ona'ngle
(Cj180°—dcflection:mgle.'z (D)'i‘wntjmesthadeflec'tiun angle
66. The essential condition for the application of Simpson’s rule to find the area, the number
ordinates should be : '
(4) ४६२ (13) 0Odd or even
(2) 0dd (D) None of the above
67. Droparrow is an instrument associated with டட in chain survey :
(^) (र्ग ⋅ (18) Chain angle
(6) Reciprocal ranging (D)) Stepping method
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