Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'ASST ENGINEER MECHANICAL TTP LTD / ASST ENGINEER MECHANICAL SFC OF KERALA LTD' And exam conducted in the year 2015. And Question paper code was '147/2015'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
The engine of an aeroplane rotates in clockwise direction when seen from the tail end and the
aeroplane takes turn to left. The effect of gyroscopic couple on the aeroplane will be :
(ಹ) toraise the nose and dip the tail (B) to dip the nose and raise the tail
(C) to raise the nose and (ലി (D) to dip the nose and tail
In a locomotive the ratio of the connecting rod length to crank radius is kept large in order to :
(ಡಿ) minimise the effect of primary force (18) minimise the effect of secondary force
)0 have perfect balancing (D) start the locomotive quickly
In order to facilitate the starting of locomotive in any position, the crank of a locomotive with
two cylinders are placed :
(ക) 455 | رق 80
(0 1805 D) 180"
The ratio of maximum displacement of the forced vibration to the deflection due to static
force is known as :
(ക) damping factor (8) damping coefficient
(0 logarithmic decrement (D) magnification factor
A mild steel rod having 50 mm diameter and 500 mm length is to be turned on a lathe.
Determine the machining lime to reduce the rod to 45 mm in one pass when cutting speed is
30 m/min and a feed of 0.7 mm/rev is used :
(4) 1.74 min (B) 2.74 min
(0 3.74 min യ 4.74 min
For producing more accurate holes, the sequence of operations to be followed is :
(ಗ) centering, drilling, boring, reaming (18) centering, boring, drilling, reaming
(C) drilling, centering, boring, reaming (D) drilling, reaming, boring, centering
The main purpose of chaplets used in foundary practice are :
(A) to provide efficient venting (B) to ensure directional solidification
(C) to support the core (D) to align the mould boxes
In oxy-acetylene gas welding the volume of oxygen required per unit volume of acetylene :
@ 1 ല് 1.5
© 2 @) 2.5
Tempering of hardened steel is done to increase its :
(4) grain size ⊾ (B) surface condition
(C) ductility (D) ബോ content
9 147/2015