Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'SECOND GRADE OVERSEER/ESCOND GRADE DRAFTSMAN LOCALSELF GOVERNMENT' And exam conducted in the year 2015. And Question paper code was '213/2015'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
In plate load test the minimum recommended size of bearing plate is :
(^) د15 (3) 30cm
(0 45cm (D) 60cm
One square meter is —————— square yards.
ல 1.968 (8) 1986
(©) 1.869 (D) 1.896
The seven days compressive strength of ordinary cement is ——— N/mm?.
(^) 19-28 N/mm? `) 22-28 N/mm?2
(¢) 27-32 N/mm? (D) 36-52 N/mm?
The join used for connecting a horizontal member into an inclined member is known as.
(ക Oblique tenon joint (B) Housed joint
(ಲ) Dovetailed housed joint (D) Mitred and rebated joint
The quantity of water required in cement for completely hydrated is about
of its weight.
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08 (0 4 18 0(
A four sided figure having no parallel side is :
(ക) Rhombus (B) Trapezoid
) Trapezium (D) Quadrilateral
The double ordinate passing through the focus of 2 18:
(ക) Abscissa (B) Double ordinates
(C) Focal chord (D) Latus rectum
‘Which one is an isolated footing for a column?
(A) 5010 800076 (8). Mat footing
(0) २8 footing (D) Combined footing
5 _ . 213/2015