Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'MEDICAL OFFICER AYURVEDA KERALA MUNICIPAL COMMON SERVICE' And exam conducted in the year 2014. And Question paper code was '066/2014'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
According to ashtangahridaya, the Upadhathu involved in Apabahuka is :
(A) Snayu (B) Kandara
(C) Sira (12) None of the above
In which type of avarana death can happen :
(९) Udanavritha prana (138) Vyanavritha prana
(0 Pranavritha udana (D) Pranavritha Vyana
The decaction with astringent taste (Kashaya لمعم 15 contraindicated in Nava Jwara
because, it may cause :
(ಗೆ) Vishama Jwara )8( ۸
() Hidhma (1)) All the above
The line of treatment of Urdhwaga Rakthapitha is :
{A) Vamana 18) Asthapana
(() Varechana (D) Rakthamoksha
Mahapaisachika ghritham is indicated in:
(ಗ) Graha (18) Apasmara
(C) Unmada (D) शषा the above
Deeper Q waves, more മന ٥ ص ECQ are indicative ല്:
{A) Ischemic heart disease (B) Myoeardial Infarction
(മ Coronary Artery Disease (D) Heart Block
In which disease retention of facces (pureesharakshana) is very important :
(A) Athisara (18) Rajayakshma
(06) ۵۵ (D) Vishoochika
As per Susrutha Sambhitha, anuthaila can be used in Pakshaghatha chikitsa for :
(ക Abhyangam (B) Panam
(C) Nasyam (D) Anuvasanam
7 66/2014