Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'MEDICAL OFFICER AYURVEDA KERALA MUNICIPAL COMMON SERVICE' And exam conducted in the year 2014. And Question paper code was '066/2014'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
The origin (adhishtana) of abhighathaja jwara ಇರ” to Acharya Charaka is ;
(ಗಿ) Dushta Mamsa (08) Dushta Sonitha
(ര اتھ the above (12) Noene ज the above
25. फल remote cause (Viprakrishta nidana) of Jwara is :
(ക Abhishanga (B) Rudrakopa
(C) Thridosha (D) Vishamasana
26. 7 which disease, glittering eyes (Sreemath darsana nethratha) is included as a symptom by
Acharya Vagbhada :
(ക Kshavaja kasa (B) Yamala hikka
)© Kshathaja kasa (D) Maha hikka
27. The dooshya involved in the pathogenesistsamprapthi) ام hridroga as per Madhavanidana is :
(८) Rasa (B) Medas
(6) Raktha (D) Maja
28. The srothas, not involved in the samprapthi of swasa roga are :
(2) Pranavahasrothas (ए) Annavahasrothas
(0) Udakavahasrothas (D) Rasavahasrothas
29. The lype of grahani which is aggravating during day time and relieving during night is :
(A) Samgraha grahani (B) Vathaja Grahani
(0) Khadiyanthra grahani (1) Pithaja Grahani
30. In which digease, red color in one eve (Raktha cka lochana) 18 one of the symptom:
(A} Ksharthaja Kasa (08) Chinna Swasa
(0) Pithaja Kasa (D) Maha Swasa
31. The type of Visarpa having cadaveric (savagandhi) 817611 18 ;
(A) Paithika Visarpa (18) Grandhi Visarpa
(Cy Agni Visarpa (D) Kardama Visarpa
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