Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'TRADESMAN WELDING TECHNICAL EDUCATION' And exam conducted in the year 2016. And Question paper code was '150/2016'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
The function of filler rod in gas welding is
)۸( ٦٠ obtain additional elements (8) To increase the ا
(त) To obtain good penetration (D) To help welding
The safety device used to protect the eves while grinding is
(A) Hand screen (8) பண
(C} Chipping goggles (D) Chipping screen
Name the flux used for brazing of MS sheets :
(A) Hydrochloric acid (8) Zinc chloride
(C) Tallow resin (0) Borax
Acetylene gas is dissolved in liquid in cylinder,
(வ Water (8) Acetone
(C) Calcium hydroxide (D) Kerosene
The colour code for identifying oxygen gas cylinder is __ -
(^) Maroon (8) Black (त) शष्ट (D) Red
Oil and grease can react violently, when contact with high pressure
(ക) Carbon dioxide (8) Propane
(2) Oxygen (D) Hydrogen
When a hose protector is fitted, the gas can only fow _ ⋅
∣∶⋅∙⊾⊅⊞⊏⋯⋅∣⊽∎⋅≖∣∥∐∁⋁∙⊾∏⋅∎⋅∣⊞ ⋢⊟⋟∁⊲∨↧⇃⋅⊓⋌↿∈⊓∥⊡∘⇜↱≣∏∊
⊏⊂⋟∅∐∣↾∎∥⋅∙↴∙⇂⋅∙⇁ ⊏⊡↗↖∣∧⋅⋅⇂∐∎∏⊓↥∏⋯⋀⋅
Soldering is a method of joining two metal pieces by means of a third metal having relatively
_ melting temperature.
(A) Low (8) High (C) Equal (D) Above
The flow of molten solder in the gap between the work pieces is driven by force.
(A) Centrifugal (8) Capillary (€) Viscosity (D) Wetting
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