Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'LABORATORY ASSISTANT NCA PH KERALA HIGHER SECONDARY EDUCATION' And exam conducted in the year 2015. And Question paper code was '012/2015'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
81. Hydathodes in grasses help to:
(ക) Eliminate water ag droplets
(B) Expel water as vapour
(() Expel CO, formed during cell respiration
(D} Expel O, praduced as by product of phatosynthesis
585. One of the following is not a fungal discase :
(A) Bunchy top ೧" 087873 (B) Cocenut bud rot
(5 Koleroga in arecanut (1)) Quick wilt in pepper
53. 2 4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid a selective weedicide is an example വ്:
(A) Cytokinins (B) Gibberellins
(C) Auxins (D) Ethylene
54. Blight disease in paddy is caused by :
(ಗಿ) Fungus (B) Virus
(C) Bacteria (D) Aphids
55. Super bugs produced through genetic engineering is used :
(ಗ) to produce insulin (B) to destroy pests
(C) remove oil spills (D) to treat hereditary diseases
56. Element associated with opening and closing of stomata 15 :
(A) Magnesium (13) Calcium
(0 Tron (D) Potassium
57. Hormone which promotes Apical dominance :
(வ் Cytokinins (7) Gibberellins
(C) Auxin (0) Ethylene
ಗ8, “Molecular glue” used in genetic engineering is :
(ക) Endonucleases (B) DNA polymerase
(¢) DNA ligase (D) Exonucleases
89. Synthesis of chlorophyll in the presence of light is :
(ക) Phototropism (18) Photoperiodism
(0) Photomorphogenesis (D) Photolysis
A 9 12/2015