Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'LECTURER IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING POLYTECHNICS TECHNICAL EDUCATION' And exam conducted in the year 2015. And Question paper code was '025/2015'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Calculate the Renal Blood Flow (RBF) from the data given below. Date are :
൫ Concentration of PAH in Urine (U, ) = 14 mg/ml
(8 Concentration का PAH in Plasma (P,,,) = 0.03 mg/ml
(3) Rate of urine flow (V) = 1.5 ml/min
(iv) Hematocrit (Het) = 43%.
The actual renal blood flow is
(ಹ) 1450 ml per minute (B) 1445 ml per minute
(0) 1840 ml per minute (D) 1850 ml per minute
Calculate the urea clearance from the given data:
(i) Concentration of urea in Urine (U) = 20 mg/ml
(1) Concentration of urea in Blood (B) = 38 mg/100 ml
(1) Rate of Urine Flow (V) = 1.5 ml/min.
Urea clearance is
(A) 60 ml/min (B) 64 3 ٦
(C) 720 mVmin (D) 32 ml/min
The Red cell count له Males and Females are respectively :
(ಯ) Males 7.5 — 9.5 million / mm? (B) Males 8.5 — 5.5 million / mm?
Female 7.0 - 8.5 million / ന് Female 3.0 — 5.0 million / mm?3
(C) Males 4.0 — 7.5 million / mm? (D) Males 4.5 — 6.5 million / mm?*
Females 5:0 - 6.5 million / mm? Females 4.0 — 5.5 million / mm?®
Hemoglobin of males and female are respectively ;
(A) Male 13.5-18 g/dI (B) Male 13.0 - 15 g/dI
Females 11.5 - 16 41ع Females 10.5 - 15 துய்
(©) 11818 12.6 - 14 छवा (D) Male 14.5-19 g/dl
Females 10.6 — 12 1 Females 12,5 - 17 g/dI
131008 - reference intervals of Arterial gases is :
(4) PaCO,:38-48 mm Hg (B) PaCO,:45-60 mm ع
(C) PaCO,:60-70 mm Hg (2) PaCO,:35-45mm Hg
In respiratory system contain inspired air normally :
ക 0 : 30.96% ; CO,: 0.09%; N, = 69.95%
(8) 0,:40%; CO,:1%; N,=59%
(©) 0,:20.96% ; ೦೦: 0.04% ; ಜೃ 464
(D) 0,:15%; CO,: 1%; N, = 84%
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