Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'ASSISTANT KANNADA KNOWING KERALA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION QUESTION PAPER' And exam conducted in the year 2017. And Question paper code was '153/2017'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
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37. A, B, C and D play a game of cards. A says to B, if | give you 8 cards, you will have
as many as C has and | shall have 3 less than what C has. Also, if | take 6 cards from
C, I shall have twice as many as D has. If B and D together have 50 cards, how many
cards has A got ?
A) 40 B) 37 C) 27 D) 23
38. Which of the following factors contribute to formation of photochemical smog ?
1. Stable atmosphers
2. 10,
3. Solar insolation
4. CO
A) 1,2,3and 4 8) 2, 38೧೮ 40೧0/ C) 1and4only 0) 1,2, 8೧63 0ಗ//
39. During consolidation process of clayey soils, indicate the sequence of occurrence
of the following events in the order from first to last.
1. Load being taken up by the pore water
2. Load being taken up by the soil grains
3. Drainage of water from the pores of the soil
ಹ) 1,2863 5) 2,3and 1 © 2 D) 2,1and3
40. The local scour depth in front of a semicircular shaped rectangular pier having width
equal to w aligned parallel to the flow below the surrounding bed is
A 2w 5) 12% 0) 1.5% D) w
41. Soundness test of cement is carried out to determine its
A) Fres lime content B) Alumina content
C) Iron oxide content D) Durability under sea water
42. What treatment is adopted for making timber fire-resistant ?
A) ASCU treatment B) Abel's process
C) Tarring D) Creosoting
43. Which of the following statements are the important characteristics of a slow sand
filter ?
1. Cleaning of filter is done by scraping and sand removal.
2. Lack of pre-treatment.
3. Greater 611019೧0) of bacterial removal as compared to rapid sand filter.
4. Efficient in colour, taste and odour removal.
A) 1,2,3and 4 B) 1,2and4only C) 2,3and4only D) 1,2and3only
44. lfwis the percentage of water required for normal consistency of cement, water to be
added for determination of initial setting time is
A) 05w B) 0.62w C) 0.75w 0) 0.85 ५