Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Confidential Assistant Various Dept / LD Typist Various Dept / Typist Clerk Govt Comp ' And exam conducted in the year 2019. And Question paper code was '028/2019'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
91. Usage of Function Key 17 هذ MS word :
(ಯ) New window (B) Spelling and grammar
(©) 8876 مذ (D) None of these
9४. MS Word provides ————— types of Tab stops.
@ 2 ® 3
© 4 0 8
99. One of the following is not available in the Ruler of MS Word screen :
(है) Left Indent ற Right Indent
(C) Tab stop box (D) First line Indent
94. Portrait and Landscape are the options of :
(ക) Page Orientation (B) Page Size
(©) Page Layout യ None of these
95. One of the following line spacing option cannot be seen in Paragraph Dialogue Box in
MS Word :
(മ) Single (B) Double
(C) Triple (D) Multiple
96. —————— Zoom option is not available in Zoom Dialogue Box in MS Word 2007.
(ക) 200% (® 100%
(0 75% യ 50%
97. Cannot perform one of the following from Quick Access Toolbar :
வ E-mail (B) Quick Print
€) Save യ Saveas
98, What will happen when we press ‘Delete’ key?
(A) Delete one character on the right side of the cursor
(B) Delete one word on the right side of the cursor
(0) Delete one character on the left side of the cursor
(D) Delete one word on the left side of the cursor
99. ‘Ctrl + Z shortcut key used for:
(A) Redo B Undo
(©) Zoom (D) None of these
100. Which of the following is the arithmetic operator for division?
@ / ® ೩
o - (D) None of these
28/2019 14 A