Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Welfare Officer Gr.II Jail English ' And exam conducted in the year 2019. And Question paper code was '041/2019'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
040. Who introduced the concept 'transference! first?
CarlJung (8) Sigmund Freud م)
ഗ്ര മടം മാല (0) Carl Rogers
Who among the following helped soclal group work rooted In soclal work .041
ശ്ര G.Hamilton (8) Murray G. Ross
ര [ഡ് [ഡി (೧) H.B, Trecker
042. The stages of group development forming, storming, norming, performing and
adjourning 15 the contribution of
ಕ James Albert (8) Bruce Tuckmen
{€} Annle Hopes (2) Jane Napler
043. Name the author of the book 'Social Group Work: A Helping Process".
(8) Konopka ©. (8) 841500 दि.
(0) Tom Douglas (D) Trecker H.B.
044. Sociometry is a technique widely used for study of
(മ) Leadership (8) Status of members
(0) Group Structure (D) All of the above
045. Good recording In group work should focus on
(ல ടിന്ട used (8) Member's characteristics
(©) Programme organized (2) Group process
046. Arrange the case work components in order.
(ಗಿ) Person, Problem, Place, Process (8) Place, Person, Problem, Process
(©) Process, Person, Problem, Place {D) Problem, Person, Place, Process
047. Who developed functional approach In case work?
(ல) Otto Rank (8) Talcott Parsons
)© Mary Richmond (D) Gordon Hamilton
048. Year of publication of the book titled 'Soclal Dlagnosls'.
(ക) 5 (8) 1917 ¢) 1 (D) 1927
n— 41/2019-A