Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Deputy Collector (SR For SC/ST) Land Revenue Department English/Tamil ' And exam conducted in the year 2019-T. And Question paper code was '043/2019-T'. Medium of question paper was in Tamil and English (containing Tamil questions) . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes
1. [7 a class boys and girls are in the ratio 5 : 8. If the number of boys is 16 more than the
number of girls, then the total strength of the class is :
മ 48 (छ) 64
(0 56 (D) 24
2. Afather is 5 times as old as his son. If their total age is 48, the age of the son is :
@ 7 © 6
(0) 8 (D) 40
8. Inhow many years Rs. 5,000 will get a compound interest of Rs. 1,060 at 10% per annum?
ಉ 8 றக
© 4 യ 8
4. LCM and HCF of two numbers are 160 and 8 respectively. One of the number is 82, then the
other number is :
) 40 (छ) 30
(0 20 (D) 16
5. A number is divided by 35 gives 23 as remainder. If the same number is divided by
7 remainder is :
@ 4 ௫ 8
ര 5 D) 2
6. The area of a square plot is 6050 sq.mts. The length of its diagonal in meters is :
(A} 100 (8) 120
(0) 130 യ 110
7. The mean proportional between 25, 81 is :
Ay 0 (8) 50
45 (2) None of these