Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTOR IN DOMESTIC NURSING VHSE' And exam conducted in the year 2018. And Question paper code was '013/2018'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
‘Which of the following is an example of Benzodiazepine ?
(ಹ) Doxepine (B) Chlordiazepoxide
(€) Clomipramine. (D) Clozapine
Most important dietary modification for a patient with Miniere’s disease is
(ക) High protein diet (8) Low fat diet
(ಲ) Low carbohydrate diet (D) Low sodium diet
Nurse shows unconditional acceptance to a patient and views him as a worthwhile person with
unique nature. Which of the following characteristic is being conveyed by the nurse ?
(ക) Empathy (B) Trust
)0 Respect (D) Genuineness
The term used for reduced visual acuity in one eye, that results from strabismus is
(ക) Amblyopia (B) Emmetropia
© Myopia (D) Hyperopia
If blood-pressure assessment is done repeatedly in a quick manner, which will be the error that
can occur 7
(ಹ) Low systolic and diastolic readings
(B) Erroneously high systolic or low diastolic readings
(€) Low systolic and high diastolic readings
(D) Erroneously high systolic and diastolic readings
‘Which of the following is not a predisposing factor of aphthous ulcer ?
ക மண (B) Viral infections
)0 Smoking (D) Vitamin deficiency
One of the following drug that is used as an adjuvant analgesic is ;
(ಹ) Morphine sulfate برق Piroxicam
(€) Diclofenac soium (D) Amitriptyline
The most common ECG finding in rheumatic fever with carditis is
(¢) T- wave elevation (B) First degree A-V block
(ಲ) T-wave inversion (D) Second degree heart block
Patients with chronic lung disorder require oxygen supplement. How much oxygen will be safe to
these patients ?
(ಹ) 2 litre/min per nasal cannula
(8) 3 litre/min per nasal cannula
(€) 6 litre/min per facemask
(D) 8 litre /min through non-rebreathing mask
013/2018 6