Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name ' KAS Officer in Kerala Administrative Service (Supplimentary exam for Gazetted teaching staff in Education Department) (PAPER II) ' And exam conducted in the year 2020. And Question paper code was '066/2020'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Economic survey is published by
A) Ministry of Finance B) Planning Commission
C) Government of India D) Indian Statistical Institute
. Among the achievements of Indian planning, we may include
1. Development of strong infrastructure
2. Diversification of Industry and exports
3. High growth of National Income
4. High control over retail prices
A) 1,2and3 B) 1,2and4 C) 1 2 0) 28103
3. Which of the following could be said to have prevented the ‘trickle down’ effects in Indian
economy ?
1. Increased dependence of agriculture on purchased inputs and privately managed
Employing bonded labour by larger farmers.
Lowered participation of women agricultural labour due to use of technology.
Lack of expected retums of Green Revolution.
A) 1 2 8) 18763 ©) 2 3 0) 28104
. Which of the schemes launched by the Govemment of India aims at enhancing 1116 ۱۱۷۵۰۱۸۳۰۹
security of the rural people by guaranteeing 100 days of employment in a financial year to a
rural adult member who volunteer to do unskilled manual work ?
. Which of the following statements is correct ?
A) Indian economy is as developed as that of China
B) About 70 percent of Indian’s are self employed and are the owners of micro or small
C) In India, single biggest employment is created by agriculture and allied activities
D) About 58 percent of Indian workforce is employed in MNCs
. The reason for India’s occupational structure remaining more or less the same over the
years has been that
A) Productivity in agriculture has been high enough to retain people to stay with agriculture
B) Lack of awareness among the people of the significant of transition from agriculture to
industry for economic development
C) Increased investments towards capital intensive industries
D) Ceilings on land holdings increased the number of land owners and hence their
preference to stay with agriculture
. Consider the following statements :
“Regional disparities in India are high and have been rising in recent years because” :
1. There is persistent investment overtime only in selected sectors.
2. Agro climatically some regions are less conducive to development.
3. Little or no agrarian transformation in some regions and the consequent lack of social
and economic opportunities.
4. Continuous political instability in some areas.
Which of the above statements are correct ?
A) 1,2and3 B) 1,2and4 ©) 1, 3 and4 0) 2, 3 4