Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'SCIENTIFIC OFFICER (CHEMISTRY) -KERALA POLICE SERVICE (FORENSIC SCIENCE LABORATORY) ' And exam conducted in the year 2021. And Question paper code was '020/2021'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
37. Of the following radicals, which is the most stable ?
شی SNe 20. .॥+
200 (+ னி 3
(i) (0) (॥) (iv)
(A) 0) (8) ൭ (6) (iii)
38. Identify the products (X and Y) in the following reaction :
39. Identify a major product, when 2-methylbutane is allowed to react with bromine in
presence of light or heat.
Br Br
(A) وہہ )0( ~ © 21 )8( د
40. Which one of the following reaction has positive Hammett reaction constant, p value ?
8.2 displacement of iodide from ethyl iodide by phenoxide anions
Hydrolysis of ०, o-dimethylbenzyl! chloride through لہہڈ pathway.
Nucleophilic substitution reaction between piperidine and |-bromo-2-
Nitration of substituted benzene derivatives.
41. The first Stokes line and the first anti-Stokes line in the rotational Raman spectrum of
N,O are displaced from the Rayleigh line by 2.508 ൩! on each side. Determine the
rotational constant of N,O.
(A) 2.514cm! (B) (൭ 0.629 تمن ௫) 0.419 cnr!
Pick out a pair of molecule from the following options, which can exhibit both pure
rotational and a rotational Raman spectrum ?
(A) COand CH,
(C) NO and HCCD
1.257 cm!
(8) N, and H,0
(D) CO,andN,O.
43. From the list of molecules, which would you expect the infrared active vibrations to be
Raman inactive and vice versa ?
(A) 10600007000 (B) Benzene (C)
Vinyl fluoride (D) NO,
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