Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'SCIENTIFIC OFFICER (CHEMISTRY) -KERALA POLICE SERVICE (FORENSIC SCIENCE LABORATORY) ' And exam conducted in the year 2021. And Question paper code was '020/2021'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
93. The compound 1, 2-dichloroethylene has two geometrical isomers. Choose the correct
option related to their symmetry.
(A) Both isomers possess 6, plane.
(B) Both isomers possess 6, plane.
(C) None of them have ठ} plane.
(D) One isomer has a ಲೃ. plane and the other has ठ] plane.
94. 17 all of the vertices of the deltahedron are occupied, the structure is called a closo.
Identify a closo structure of boron hydrides from the given below options.
(A) Decaborane(14) (8) Hexaborane(10)
(C) Heptaborane(9) (D) Octaborane(12)
95. The major products formed in the following reactions are
3 ه050 حا x 1120 ہے
०५० Oy 0
۰ 80 OH ९ HQ OH
(A) = 0 0 Ye گر (8) X= ९९ Y=
کو لم பெ ٣وک பே
Ho ہیں ى٦ 3 + “CH, 5 1
هم کک OH 272 HQ باہو
) = ९ 7 Y= (0) x= أو 0 y= لز
۵ ലം 015 Hc 013
ല് ഖം ലം பூ
96. How many inorganic sulfur present in bacterial rubredoxin ?
(A) 4 (B) 2 (0 0 (>) 1
97. If all the lattice points of an hep structure are occupied by uniform hard spheres that
touch each other, the % of volume unoccupied is
(A) 74 (B) 48 (0 52 (D) 26
98. Consider the following statements about liquid crystals :
(i) 1502001൦
(ii) Flow like liquids but have much of the long-range order of solids
(iii) The molecules can move about, and the intermolecular spacings are irregular.
The correct statement is/are
(ಹ) Only (i & ii) (B) Only (ii & iii)
(C) 0119 (i and iii) (D) All of the above (i, ii and iii)
99. Read the following statements, then choose the best answers from the given options :
(i) Each lattice point in a crystal has the same environment.
(1) No atom need lie at a lattice point.
(111) The basis must have the same stoichiometric composition as the entire crystal.
(A) Only (i & ii) (B) Only (ii & iii)
(C) 0119 (i and iii) (D) All of the above (i, ii and iii)
100. Which class of dielectric material exhibits a hysteresis loop of polarization versus electric field ?
(^) Ferrites (8) Elecrets (C) Dipole (D) Ferroelectrics
4 STB 1 ളള 020/2021