Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'SCIENTIFIC OFFICER (CHEMISTRY) -KERALA POLICE SERVICE (FORENSIC SCIENCE LABORATORY) ' And exam conducted in the year 2021. And Question paper code was '020/2021'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
Read the following statement and reason, pick out a suitable answer from the following
option :
Statement : In Inorganic Chemistry, one of the analogues of benzene is borazine. This is
misnomer because the chemical properties of borazine and benzene are quite different.
Reason : Due to the difference in electronegativity between boron and nitrogen, the more
electron density is localized on boron atom so weakens the 1-bonding in the ring.
(A) Both statement and reason are acceptable.
(B) Both statement and reason are unacceptable.
(C) Statement is acceptable but the reason needs to correct.
(D) Reason is acceptable but the statement needs to correct.
Arrange the following molecules in decreasing order of infrared P=O stretching frequency :
F;PO, 020, Br;PO, ೮7೦.
(A) F,PO>CLPO>Br,PO > CIF,PO (ए) CIF,PO >F,PO > (170 > Br,PO
(൭ F,PO>CIF,PO>C1,PO>Br,PO (0) ہھ ٥< 0170 > F,PQ > CIF,PO
Predict the product of the following reaction :
NH, 7
பெட்ட) + 0० =
NH; 7° NH 9 ۶ 29
(A) No 79900൩ (8) |ci—Pt—no, (೮) படர (0) 0-1-10
ங் 55 CH;
Among the following complex, which one has high rate of water exchange :
[Na(OH,)¢]*, [Cr(OH,),]>*, ച), [Mg(OH,),]?*
(ಸ) [Na(OH,)J* ®) [Cr(OH,),5* ൭ [AIOH,)°*(D) Mg(OH,),]?*
Usually, a redox reaction occur between 003” complex and [೧೦2 through
inner sphere mechanism. Pick out a correct order based on rate constant for the
reaction between [Cr(OH,),]?* and various 003+ complexes, i.e, [Co(NH,),]**,
[Co(NH,),Cl}?*, [Co(NH;),I]?*.
(A) [Co(NH,),]** > [Co(NH,).CI}?* [ന്ത്
(8) [Co(NH,),]** > [Co(NH,),CI}?* > [Co(NH,).I]?*
(©) [Co(NH,),]3* > [Co(NH,),CIP* > [Co(NH,),I]?*
(D) [Co(NH,),]3* > [Co(NH,)
through the rod is 3 x 10-4 Wb and its cross-sectional area is 3 ണോ. The magnetic
permeability of the rod in WbA~!m is
(A) 104 (8) 101 (൭ 103 (0) 10?
Recently, a new allotrope of carbon was discovered by three Scientists : Przemyslaw
Gawel, Leo Gross & Harry L. Anderson and published (Science, 2019, Vol. 365, Issue
6459, pp. 1299-1301). Pick out that finding from the given options.
(4) sp hybridized cyclo[18]carbon (B) ಲೈ fullerene rugby ball
(C) Carbon nanotubes (D) Graphene
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