Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'VOCATIONAL TEACHER IN ACCOUNTANCY AND AUDTING VHSE' And exam conducted in the year 2016. And Question paper code was '003/2016'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
43. NIFTY is based on the value of scrips Listed in :
ट (^) National Stock Exchange (3) பாண
(C) Bombay Stock Exchange (D) Cochin Stock Exchange
44 TFire Insurance Contract is a contract of :
(ಯ) Assurance (7) Indemnity
(C) Loss (D) Wager
45. Mr. A entered in to a Contract with Mr. B for the sale of a building for Rs. 20 Lakhs. Before
the exccution date, the building collapsed due to earth quake. Then, the contract is :
(^) Valid (B) Enforceable
(¢) Voidable (D) Void
46. Nephew of Mr. X is missing. He gave a public promise that any one who can find the missing
nephew and informing him will be paid an amount of Rs. 10,000. Mr. Y the servant of Mr. X,
without knowing the promise, fetch the boy and handed over to Mr. X. Then, Mr. X refuses to
pay the promised amount. In this case which of the following statement is correct?
(ക) Mr. Y is not entitled to get the amount
(8) Mr. Y is entitled to get the amount
(0) Mr. Y can sue and get the amount
(D) Nephew is to pay the amount
47. MBRBP stands for :
(ಗ) Member Broker Plans (8) Management backed Project
(¢) Multy Banking Partner (D) Maximum Borrowing Power
48, ೯೦೫ in totaling and balancing is an example of :
(A) Error of Ommission (B) Error of Commission
(C) Compensating Errors (D) Error of Principle
49. SAP stands for :
(4) Standard Auditing Practices (B) Standard Accounting Practices
(€) Sectional Accounting Practices (D) Sectional Auditing Practices
50. Recording transactions in the ledger is called :
(ക) Book-keeping (8) Accounting
(C) Posting (D) Balancing
003/2016 8 A