Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'TRADESMAN PLUMBER TECHNICAL EDUCATION' And exam conducted in the year 2016. And Question paper code was '034/2016'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
The water storage tank at elevated position are called :
ശ്ര Over head tank رمق Surface tank
(C) Common tank (0) Sump
Pipes which carrying silage water from baths are called?
(80 عتم لزن (B) Waste pipe .
(C) Rain water pipe (D) Siphon pipe
The permissible dosage of chlorine in drinking water is :
(A) 02.5 02,10 17211102 | (7) 1.05 10 1.10 mg/ liter
)© 01.10 (० 2.10 mg/liter (D) 0.05 ta 0.10 mg/liter
Fitting which used for connecting service eonnection to water main is?
(ல Union ferrule (ए) Reduce and cupping
(C) Reduce and valve (1) Reduce and union
On some wooden beam, some where a little part may be come out while cutting or
hammering, what is the name of that part?
(A) Grain (18) Knot
(C) Shake (D) Planks
Where the manholes are provided in straight lengths of pipe lines?
(வி At 50 meter intervals (ए) 40 meter intervals
(C) 30 meter intervals (D) 20 meter intervals
[ष which year the First Amendment ot of Indian constitution was passed?
(4) 1950 (1) 1981
(C) 1952 (D) 1888
The Travancore Diwan who permitted the Shannar women to cover their upper parts :
(A) Raja Kesava Das (3) ساو Thampi Dalawa
(ര Oommini Thampi (D) Col. John Munro
Whose ideas of social reform are represented by "Kerala Kaumudi®?
(A) Sreenarayana Guru (B) Chattambi swamikal
(9 Ayyankali (D) K. P. Karuppan
034/2016 12 A