Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Title : Higher Secondary School Teacher Mathematics - Kerala Higher Secondary Education
Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Higher Secondary School Teacher Mathematics - Kerala Higher Secondary Education ' And exam conducted in the year 2022. And Question paper code was '66/2022/OL'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

page: 11 out of 14
Excerpt of Question Code: 66/2022/OL

B:-Operant conditioning
Ceinsightful learning
D-Mastery learning
Correct Answer: Option ®
Question72:-Learning outcome is mainly desirable changes in the:
B:-Learning strategy
C:Evaluation technique
Behaviour of the leamer
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question73:-Consistency of a test is referred as:
Correct Answer: Option ®
Question74:-Reasoning from general to particular is
Correct Answer:- ೦೧000
Question75:-Summative assessment is mostly done through
‘Ac Project work
പില്ലി activities
D-home assignments
Correct Answer: Option-C
‘Question76::Which among the following is an informal experimental design?
‘AcFactorial design
B:-Randomized Block design
C:-Before and after with control design
D-None of these
Correct Answer: Option-C
Question77:-A teacher conducts a study in her/his classroom situation to correct the errors committed by students in computation. This type of study comes under:
‏مومع ننم‎ study
B:-Action research
(C:Fundamental research
Di-Applied Research
Correct Answer: Option ®
Question78::Which among the following measurement possesses a true zero point?
‘AcNominal scales
B:-Ratio scales
വദി scales
D-Ordinal scales
Correct Answer: Option ®
ಟಟ is NOT related to Empirical research?
കട data based
B:-Findings are verified by observation

Cult relies on experience or observation

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Higher Secondary School Teacher Mathematics - Kerala Higher Secondary Education : Video