Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Title : Legal Assistant/ Legal Assistant Grade II Department: KSIDC Ltd/ Law Department (Govt. Secretariat)
Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name ' Legal Assistant/ Legal Assistant Grade II Department: KSIDC Ltd/ Law Department (Govt. Secretariat) ' And exam conducted in the year 2022. And Question paper code was '064/2022'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

page: 13 out of 16
Excerpt of Question Code: 064/2022














Choose the correct form of reporte
Sheela said to me, “I have been living here since my childhood.”

(A) Sheela told me that she was living there since her childhood.

has been living there since her childhood.
had been living there since her childhood.
had been living here since her childhood.

Choose the correct meaning the un
Sheela cut a dash at the party the other day that everyone praised her.




(B) Sheela told me that she
(0 Sheela told me that she
(D) Sheela told me that she




01111100 idiom.

Use the correct one word for the underlined phrase
The hare ran away with short and quick jumps


2) shuffled away

(^) was stylish and impressive (8) sang beautifully

(C) delivered a speech ൩) was eloquent
No sooner the bus than the driver the bus.

(A) _ had he entered— ء٥‎ (B) 16 had entered— did start

(6) entered— starte (D) would enter —would start
Everybody is interested, ?

(^) aren’t they ? (8) isn’t it?

(0 isn’t he? (D) 100 everybody 7
The meaning of the idiom, ‘break a leg’ is...

(A) 10 insult (8) 10 cause injury

(ಲ) 10 oppose (D) 10 wish good luck
He died cancer.

(ಹ) of (B) from

(C) by (D) with
1 saw Mr. John year ago.

(A) an (B) a

(C) the (2) 00 article
A deipnosophist is a person skilled in

(A) table talk (B) dramatics

(೮) recitation 0) telling lies
Opposite of the word ‘Invincible’ is... .

(^) unconquerable (8) vulnerable

(C) unimaginable 0) superficial
Sheela to the market when the accident .

(^) was going, occurred (B) 1185 gone, occurred

(೮) ‏قوط‎ been going, occurred ൯൩) went, occurred
John fell with his father and refused to talk to him.

(A) ൩ (B) off

(C) over (2) णपा
Had I not helped him, he escaped.

(^) might not (B) could not
൭ would not have (>) ‏لاد‎ ட


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Legal Assistant/ Legal Assistant Grade II Department: KSIDC Ltd/ Law Department (Govt. Secretariat) : Video