Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Title : Statistical Assistant Grade II/ Statistical Investigator Grade II - Statistical Assistant Grade II/ Statistical Investigator Grade II
Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'Statistical Assistant Grade II/ Statistical Investigator Grade II - Statistical Assistant Grade II/ Statistical Investigator Grade II ' And exam conducted in the year 2022. And Question paper code was '065/2022'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

page: 13 out of 16
Excerpt of Question Code: 065/2022







Which among the following statement/s about the development of Malayalam language

is/are correct ?

1. | The Hortus Malabaricus was the first book containing the earliest passages in
Malayalam letters.

2. Samshepa Vedartham was the first fully fledged Malayalam work printed in
Malayalam language.

3. Varthamana Pusthakam of Kariyattil Ouseph Kattanar was the first travel account
in Malayalam literature.
(A) & 2 are correct (B) 2 & 3 are correct
(C) Only 2 is correct ௰ Allare correct

Which one of the fundamental rights according to Ambedkar ‘as heart and soul of the
Indian Constitution’ ?

(^) Right to life and personal liberty (8) Right to constitutional remedies

(C) Right against exploitation (D) Right to equality
Consider the following statements :
Statement A : In Indian federalism the Union Legislature alone enjoys the Residuary
Statement B : In Indian federalism both Union Legislature and State Legislature enjoys
the Residuary powers.
Select the correct answer.

(A) Statement A is correct, 8 is incorrect.

(B) Both statements are correct.

(C) Statement B is correct, A is incorrect.

(D) Both statements are incorrect.

Which of the following statement/s about Directive Principles of State Policy is/are
true ?

1. Directive Principles are non-justiciable rights

ii. | Promotion of international peace

iii, | Uniform civil code

iv. Right to food

(A) ionly (B) i,iiandiii (C) i, iiiandiv (0) iand iv
Which of the following pairs are correctly matched ?
i. 4204 Constitutional Amendment — = Fundamental duties
1. Fundamental Rights — रषा
iii. Indian Foreign Service — All India Service
iv. Art. 368 — Amendment procedure
(A) 1187611 (8) त भात्‌ iv
(൭ i, iiandiv (0) मं ज्ञात iii
Which of the following statement/s regarding Dandi March is/are not correct ?
1. Organised as part of Quit India movement

1. From Sabarmati to Dandi

111. Started on 12 March, 1930
(A) ionly (छ) 140681
(0) iand ii (2) 1876 iii

13 065/2022

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Statistical Assistant Grade II/ Statistical Investigator Grade II - Statistical Assistant Grade II/ Statistical Investigator Grade II : Video